While there, I found this recipe for sandwich bread that seemed fairly easy for my novice self to try. It only took a few hours from start to finish as opposed to an entire day waiting for the dough to rise. So not only was it easier and quicker, it turned out FABULOUS! Husband even liked it! We didn't wait long before carving into it.
Now, it's not perfect- you can tell by the air holes, but it's a start. Unfortunately it's a white bread, but I'm hoping it can be made whole wheat pretty simply. I subbed in skim milk (whole milk in this house?) and used bread flour for part of the flour it called for.
I got up early this morning (stupid cat) and proceeded to get my bake on while snow fell outside. On Thursday we have a holiday potluck at the office, and I have to bring a dessert. I've opted for a cookie assortment so that I can try out a few things. So far I've made dough for Salted Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies, Diana's thumbprint cookies I made at Thanksgiving, and the rum balls I also made at Thanksgiving...although this time I really upped the amount of rum. Hopefully this translates to a stronger rum smell/flavor. I also bought chocolate sprinkles to roll them in as opposed to the sanding sugar the recipe calls for that I used last time. They looked like doughnut holes!
I've also got Allie's Eggnog Caramels chilling in the fridge. After my disappointing attempt before, I wanted to try making caramel again. This recipe was perfect because I had a carton of eggnog
I'll make sure to get pictures posted this week of the finished products. Instead of my iPhone, I'm trying out my ancient digital camera to see if those turn out better.
Whooo! I haven't tried making bread yet. I used to make a few loaves here and there in my bread machine but then that stopped working. All I got were tiny little bricks. Yuck! I do want to make some of my own though since we don't eat bread all that often, it should be easy to keep around.