Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Starbucks VIA

Anyone every try one of these? I've only used them so far for baking projects in lieu of espresso powder, but I had requested a sample of the flavored kind to see how they tasted.

I received 4 flavors: Mocha, Caramel, Vanilla, and Cinnamon Spice. Right now I'm sipping the Caramel flavor because it's cold in the kitchen and I need some caffeine to get through the rest of the day. I'm going to try my first ever Zumba class tonight, and after that I need to run to the store to pick up a few things. And then after that I'm getting my BAKE on for tomorrow's holiday party at the office.

Here's the run-down of what I'm planning to serve:
  • Rum Balls (some rolled in sanding sugar, others in chocolate sprinkles- these are the ones with EXTRA rum)
  • Lemon Rosemary Thumbprints with Strawberry Preserves
  • Salted Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
  • Pfeffernussen
  • Coconut Macaroons (some plain, some dipped in chocolate- may even try CARROT ones...)
  • Cherry Rocky Road Fudge
 The fudge may be in or out depending on time. Rum Balls are done, but I need to bake the remaining cookies that I prepped over the weekend. Macaroons totally need to be mixed together, but they're relatively easy. Anyhow, I was really just posting about the coffee.

Smells nice.


Yeah, that's all I really have on it. Maybe the other flavors will be better, but there's just something a little off for me. I think it's the added sugar, which you really couldn't be without when adding in the caramel flavor. I'm a plain cream in my coffee kind of gal, so the sweetness is really overpowering to me. Oh well, glad I got to try it instead of shelling out the cash for something I ultimately wouldn't like.

Anyone else try the flavored VIA? What are your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I have to be honest. I hated it! I thought it was too bitter and not my favorite. I do love the cookie list though! :)
