Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jeni's Hats Off Hot Chocolate

This is the way that hot chocolate was meant to be enjoyed. It was rich and chocolatey and smooth- I'd hate to think what type of milk was used, but I highly doubt it was skim!

I had been seeing postings on Facebook about this new hot chocolate that Jeni's was serving at only their Powell and Clintonville locations. They're calling it Hats Off Hot Chocolate and it's made with milk from Snowville Creamery plus a single-origin cocoa powder from Askinosie Chocolate. And of course hot chocolate is best served with whipped cream (also from Snowville Creamery) and chocolate shavings.

Look! I managed to take a photo AND pour without making a mess.
OMG, I totally have to order this cocoa powder. I don't think anyone carries it locally. :(  And as for that whipped cream, I'm definitely making some with the SC cream I just picked up...also to be used in another [hopefully successful] attempt at making caramels. It was all I could do to not lick the little container clean!

The Powell Jeni's is really nice. I've only been to the Grandview and North Market locations, so the size of this new store is a welcome change. It's HUGE compared to those two. It's light and airy and it just had a cool vibe...especially when you're relaxing and indulging in some hot cocoa! I can't wait to return here.

Before leaving, I tried the Cocoa Zin flavor, which was okay but not really for me. Right now I have a pint of Bangkok Peanut in the freezer. I'm slowly working my way through tasting all the flavors. I think I covered most of the seasonal flavors, but I need to taste all the regular ones, too. I ended up purchasing a pint of the Honey Vanilla Bean...which I've never tried. I figure it's the most basic flavor and will pair well with the apple hand pies I plan to make tomorrow. Or maybe I can top it with a bit of the new Middle West Spirits Honey Vanilla Bean vodka. I hunted a bottle of that down last weekend, but I'm saving it to share with the family this Saturday.

Lots of baking expected for tomorrow, plus I'm making dinner for the hubs and myself...we've never been by ourselves of Christmas Eve! Roast chicken and potatoes- can't go wrong with that!

Oh, and I promise I'll post the photos of last week's cookies that I made for the holiday party. Actually, they'll look exactly the same as what I'm making tomorrow since I'm just baking up the leftover dough I froze.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh that looks so good and decadent! YUM! I used Snowville over Thanksgiving for whipped cream and it was oh so good!
